Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Embrace your belly ladies! "All bellies are beautiful!"-Sadie Marquardt

Embrace your belly ladies! "All bellies are beautiful!"
-Sadie Marquardt 
Red Tent Revival

I am so bumbed that the Red Tent Revival is over. But I am so grateful to have this amazing opportunity to experience such wisdom from these amazing ,empowering, & beautiful women! They have taught me so much about living in my power & feminine bliss.
Experience last night's replay here:

Love Your Belly Ladies!
Sadie Marquardt Teaching a Little Samba
In The Red Tent
Remember To Live YOUR Life Bootyliciously!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

What You're Made Of

YOU are made of pure light, beauty, bliss, & magnificence. YOU are the essence of greatness. YOU were put here on this planet to be fruitful, blissful, & abundant in all ways. YOUR dreams are the Angels whispering YOUR life's divine purpose into your ear. So please, follow your dreams. YOU were meant to!

Know this in every single moment. Even when you feel like nothing is going right, know that this is just
the things that no longer serve YOUR deepest & highest good, falling away, so that YOU can achieve
YOUR life's mission. Every negative experience that is happening in your life experience is God & the
Angels showing YOU what you're made of. How are you going to thrive from this experience? What will
you take away from this experience? How will you react to this experience? Show us what you're truly
made of dear one. YOU were meant to triumph. YOU are a piece of God. So show us what YOU're
made of baby<3

Remember To Live Your Life Bootyliciously!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Remember Who You Truly Are!

YOU are amazing, remarkable, vibrant, beautiful, abundant, blissfull, & free. YOU are the reason that the World is so magnificent & diverse. The world is a better place because YOU are in it♥ Remember that you are a piece of God, & you deserve the absolute best life has to offer♥ Muah!!!

Remember To Live Your Life Bootyliciously<3

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Ladies...It's TIME!

It is time to shine ladies. To be in our truest magnificence. To shine our light & stop playing smal
l. In doing this, we are creating space for our daughters, our, friends, our sisters, our mothers to do the same. I would like to share with you a quote from Marianne Williamson, " Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do.We are born to manifest the glory of God within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in EVERYONE. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others." So please, do the world a favor, and shine baby!
I send each and every one of you my deepest Love, Light, Bliss, Abundance in every sense of the word, and Imminent Success in everything that you do.

Remember to Live YOUR Life Bootyliciously!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

A Message For YOU!

Magnificence. You are magnificence personified in every sense of the word. Know that you are deserving & worthy of infinite possibilities in every single moment! Everything that you are is worthy of bliss, abundance & love. No matter what mistakes you've made, no matter how many downfalls you've had. Know deep within yourself that you are worthy of success in all if your endeavors. Don't look back, but propel yourself forward, by following your heart's true desire. This dear one, is your divine purpose. Follow your dreams, & others who see you will follow suit. You are divine, you are beautiful, you are infinite possibility. As long as you truly know this deep within yourself, you will with absolute certainty, live in your bliss<3

Remember to live life Bootyliciously!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Ladies, Do You Need Some "ME TIME"?

I know I do! Sometimes I feel like there's this light within me, that's just dimming. As a stay at home momma, my entire world revolves around the needs of others. Now don't get me wrong, this gig is the absolute best gig on the planet in my opinion! But sometimes I feel that something is Balerieness. The things that make me truly unique, vibrant, & fruitful. As women, we wear ALOT of different hats on a day to day basis. Nurse, caretaker, housekeeper, short order cook, chef, child entertainer, the list goes on & on. And while all of this makes my life absolutely blissful & worthwhile in some ways, when it comes to Balerie the "woman" I've fallen a little short. This is why I am so grateful to be attending this wonderful FREE event called The Red Tent Revival hosted by Miss Kristin Sweeting Morelli which will consist of 5 days of unbridled fun! There will be dancing....lots of dancing! There will be interviews with experts from all over the world giving us the "secret sauce" to becoming in touch with YOUR unique light, YOUR "NESS".

 If you want to become the woman who experiences more pleasure, fun, and freedom than she ever thought possible, then join me by clicking here. I can't wait to meet you all, and I am always sending each & every one of you infinite love, light, bliss, abundance in every sense of the word, & imminent success in everything that you do. And remember.....

Live YOUR life Bootyliciously!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Love Yourself!

Do you know how absolutely amazing you are? You are God personified. Without you, the world would be a completely different place. So please, love yourself like the infinite being that you are. When you do this, you will show others to do same. And this my friends, is what will truly change the world. Be the love, kindness, bliss, & blessings to others that you'd like to see in your own life. Remember that scarcity is only an illusion. Abundance in every sense of the word is your divine birthright. Claim it. I send you all so much love, light, bliss, imminent success in everything that you touch, & abundance.

Remember to live life bootyliciously!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Let's Get Bootylicious In The Rent Tent

Ladies, ladies, ladies!!! I have something to share with you that's incredibly real... incredibly raw... and it just might rock your world. In fact, it's something that EVERY WOMAN wants - but is afraid to ask for... It's luscious... and it's LIVE. It's a free 5-day online festival that will REVIVE everything it means to be a woman... >> It's called the Red Tent Revival and it's happening very soon.

It's hosted by Kristin Sweeting Morelli and if you know Kristin... she's known for breaking down barriers and empowering women... and for years, she's very much wanted to bring to life an epic, totally unique, online experience, available women around the world!

This Red Tent Revival is a reflection of a journey to pleasure that has completely changed her life. 

>> And now she wants to help you change yours in ways you can't even imagine.

In the Red Tent you'll learn the ancient secrets to reviving your pleasure and returning to your feminine truth... but it doesn't stop there. 

There'll be dancing... lots of dancing.

There'll be sisterhood...

And there'll be a few unmentionables...

But mostly, there will be 5 days of unbridled fun!

You don't want to miss it! I'm personally inviting you to join me, Kristin, and tens of thousands of women in the Red Tent Revival. 

>> All you have to do is click here.

Remember to always live life YOUR way....bootyliciously;)


Monday, April 21, 2014

Use ASMR To Feel Fantabulous!

Hey there gorgeous! I hope that you are doing fabulously wherever you are! Today I am going to share another tool that I personally use to fight stress, anxiety, & sleep issues. It's called ASMR or Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response. You probably have experienced this in your lifetime without even knowing it. Have you ever listened to someone with a soothing voice speak, & you started to feel a tingly sensation on the back of your head, down your spine? Or sometimes I feel tingles all over. The experience is different for everyone. But this is certainly an easy, safe, natural, & effective way to combat stress, relieve anxiety, & get rid of insomnia once & for all. Here's a video of one of my favorite ASMRtists LilliWhispers. Happy chillaxin' & live life bootyliciously! *I am in no way affiliated with any ASMRtists whose vids I share. This is just another free tool that I personally use to feel bootylicious.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Quick Introduction To Let's Get Bootylicious!

Hey there again! Balerie here. I hope that you are all doing fabulous wherever you are;) This post is just going to be a quick intro as to what the primary goal of this blog is all about, & also to give you guys an opportunity to meet me!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Let's Get Physically Bootylicious!

Hey guys! Balerie coming at ya again with another simple tool that I've used for the past 15 years.....Wait for it....8 Minute Abs! This is a simple yet highly effective ab workout that consists of 9 movements with 45 seconds built in to each movement. Now I know you have a busy schedule, but show yourself some love, and set aside 8 minutes to get "physically fit" (love, love, love that song)! I personally do this 3-4x a week and have always gotten my desired results. So check out the full 8 Minute Abs workout below, and lets get bootylicious! And as always, I am sending you all love, bliss, and imminent success in everything that you do. *I am in no way affiliated with the owner of this video, I just want to share simple yet effective tools that I personally use to live life bootyliciously;) Much Love, Balerie

Monday, April 14, 2014

Let's Get Bootylicious With Theta Energetics!

How Self Beliefs & Subconscious Memories Affect Our Wellness The power of the human mind is absolutely infinite. It is said that we only use about 10% of our brains. Can you imagine how much infinite potential still lies within the other 90%? Humanity has accomplished so many amazing things throughout our existance. And this is only using 10% of our brains infinite capabilites! Using Theta Energetics, you will have the ability to tap into the other 90%! Imagine the possibilities of truly living your life to its infinite potential. This is a page from the Ebook you will receive by clicking the link above. "It has been scientifically proven that memories are actually not only held in the mind. They are also stored in every cell throughout our body – especially the cells that make up the human heart. These cellular memories include memories that have been created from recent events, or they could have been created from events that happened long ago in the past.. even events we don’t consciously remember. In reality, many of the memories that affect our lives and determine the beliefs we have about ourselves and the world we live in are created before the age of seven. These memories can be created from traumatic events, or even the beliefs we were raised with. These events and beliefs are affecting our current lives in ways we don’t even realize. They have been stored in our subconscious mind our whole lives, as well as in every cell throughout our body. These negative memories, imprinted into your subconscious mind and the cells throughout your body, are not only affecting your health and affectingyou on a physical level. These memories and self beliefs are actually being broadcast out into the universe every single day. This is how our “reality” is created, and how we attract specific events, people and situations into our lives. Our lives are based on these subconscious beliefs. Let’s think about what “reality” really is for a second. Absolutely everything is made up of energy. Everything we perceive as “solid matter” is actually energy vibrating at such a high frequency, that we perceive things to be solid. Yes, that means even we are made of energy, and with that being said, we also transmit and receive energy. If our energy is vibrating at a low frequency and we have a low energetic frequency, we perceive things differently and attract negative events into our lives. If our energy is vibrating at a higher level, such as the frequency of love, and we have a high energetic frequency, then we will attract positive events and synchronicities (repeating patterns) into our lives. Whatever we put out, we’re going to attract. It’s the Law of Attraction on a literal and physical level. Take this in for a second.. the human heart generates the body’s most powerful electromagnetic field. This field is 60 times more powerful energetically and 5,000 times more powerful magnetically than the human brain. The heart radiates electromagnetic energy up to 10 feet from our bodies in a 360 degree sphere, broadcasting information via this field every single second, 24 hours a day. Memories are only memories to the conscious mind. To the unconscious mind and the heart, they are current events. These “current events” can keep us from getting what we want. They can keep the body from healing. They are the cause of many problems in both the body and the mind. If painful events, memories and beliefs are never cleared and released, you will not be able to easily attract the things you want. To be able to get what you want, you first have to let go. To take it a step further, those memories and past events are directly linked to every other event or memory that occurred at that time. If you were listening to a certain song at the time, for example, that song is always going to remind you of that past event.. it becomes a trigger for that negative memory, either consciously or subconsciously." Download this Ebook absolutely free of charge and tell me what you think about it. If you like it GREAT! But if it's not for you, that is completely fine too. All that I ask is for you read through this Ebook, and see how it can truly benefit you. I send you all lots of love and imminent success in everything that you do! Much Love, Balerie

Sunday, April 13, 2014

YOU Are Enough!

You ARE your true heart's desires, your dreams, your passions. You are beautifully infinite. No matter how down you may feel, remember YOU are more than enough! You are loved beyond measure by God and the Angels. All of the creativity, innovation, and beauty that you want to see in the world or in your own life already resides in you. All you really have to do is BELIEVE. Never settle. You were put on this Earth to live your heart's desires, so that you can change the world. You see, by living your passions you are inspiring others to live theirs. You are showing others what is truly possible. When you are living in YOUR devine bliss, that energy tranfers and transcends throughout the world. Remember that you are loved, revered, and deserve that absolute best that life has to offer. Live life bootyliciously! Much Love, Balerie

Saturday, April 12, 2014

A Quick And Easy Tonic To Reduce The Appearance Of Cellulite

In a 2009 study published in Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, it was found that subjects that consumed acetic acid (the main ingredient in acv)for 12 weeks experienced significant declines in body weight, abdominal fat, waist circumference and triglycerides. Triglycerides contribute to the bad cholesterol that we want to avoid. Here's a simple and quick tonic that I personally use myself on a daily basis to reduce the appearance of cellulite, and keep me feeling overall bootylicious;) What You'll Need: Water and raw, unfiltered, organic, unpasterized, apple cider vinegar with "mother." *Bragg's brand apple cider vinegar has given me the best results. Directions: Pour 16 oz. (2cups)of water into a glass and add 30 ml (2tbs.) of apple cider vinegar. Drink before or with meals 3 times per day. *As with any supplement or natural remedy, check with you physician before using this tonic. I myself saw about 80% less cellulite appearance at the 30 day mark. Feel free to leave your results or your unique remedies in the comments below. And remember, to live life bootyliciously;)

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Here's Something A Little Different To Keep Your Mind Feeling Bootylicious!

Hey guys! Here's something a little different to keep your mind right. I've used this vid myself, and the very next day, I received an unexpected check in the mail for $512 AND won $50 dollars on a scratch off the very same day! I am not affililated with the owner of this video. Just a little something that I use on a daily basis to keep the abundance flowing;)Enjoy getting your mind feeling bootylcious!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Here's a quick and easy cold chai recipe using Third Street Chai Concentrate

Hey guys! Balerie here coming at ya again with another quick and easy chai recipe you can try at home;) What You'll Need: A bottle of Third Street Chai Concentrate and milk. Directions: Shake well. Mix with milk or milk substitute in equal parts. For example: If you're using 1/2 cup of concentrate, then add 1/2 cup of milk or milk substitute. Pour over ice, and enjoy! That's it! Type in product code AUTHENTIC in the search box below.
Chai Direct
Find Your Chai Fast >

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Here's a bootylicious chai frappe recipe!

What You'll Need: 5 oz. of milk 2 scoops of Cappucine brand Mocha Glacier dry chai mix. 1 cup of ice Directions: Add milk, dry mix, And about 1 cup of ice into the blender. Blend for about 20-30 sec. *Add about 1 oz of ice at a time until you've acheived desired consistency. You can also add your favorite toppings such as whipped cream, chocolate chips, or your choice of syrups to customize it and make it your own! *Type in the search box below product code: CAPPUCCINE-SPICED-CHAI
Chai Direct
Find Your Chai Fast >
Happy Sipping!

Monday, April 7, 2014

A Simple Chai Recipe Using Masala Chai

Here's simple chai recipe for you to try at home: What you'll need: Reduced fat milk, soy milk, almond milk, or milk of your choice. Yogic Chai's Original Masala, or you can also use my personal favorite, Yogic Chai's Fat Burner Masala Chai. Agave syrup or your choice of sweetener. Directions: Add 1 teaspoon of chai, 1 cup of water, and 1/4 cup of milk into a small pot. Bring to a boil. Once mixture comes to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer for 3-5 min. With a strainer, strain into your teapot or favorite mug, add your sweetener, & enjoy! If you'd like to grab some Yogic Masala for yourself, type in "FAT-BURN-MASALA" in the search box below.
Chai Direct
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Saturday, April 5, 2014

Here's A Fun Chai Recipe For Baking!

Grandma Pam's Chai Cookies Pam Lowe, mother of Scott, the President of David Rio, baked these yummy chai cookies. They were so delicious that we asked her to share the recipe, which will delight anyone who loves chai and baking alike! *Make sure to type in the search box "david rios tiger" listed below to grab some tiger spice chai:) 1 cup granulated sugar, plus additional for rolling 3/4 cup butter, room temperature 1 egg 2 tablespoons baking soda 1/2 cup molasses 2 1/4 cup all purpose flour 1/2 cup Tiger Spice Chai® (or any other flavor David Rio Chai) DIRECTIONS 1. In a bowl, cream together sugar and butter. 2. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix until blended. 3. Chill mixture in the refrigerator, covered, for 1 hour. 4. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 5. Take mixture out of the refrigerator and form into 1-inch balls. Roll each ball in sugar and place onto an ungreased baking sheet. 6. Bake for 8 to 10 minutes. Makes approximately 50 cookies.
Chai Direct
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Friday, April 4, 2014

Another Chai Recipe To Keep You Cool!

Blended Chai Smoothie w/Fruit Add your favorite fruit to your favorite David Rio chai for this delicious iced blended smoothie! Try adding Toucan Mango for a tropical twist! *Make sure to type into the search box below "david rios toucan mango" 1. Start with about 1/2 cup of water or milk/milk substitute. 2. Add 4 Tablespoons of chai. 3. Add one banana (or use 1/4 cup of blueberries or any other fruit of choice). 4. Add about 8 oz. of ice. 5. Blend well until smooth. Variation: Use David Rio's Toucan Mango Chai and fresh mangoes for a delicious, refreshing treat
Chai Direct
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Thursday, April 3, 2014

Here's Another Scrumptious Chai Recipe!

Chai on Ice Like your chai on the "rocks"? Then try this recipe and cool those hot days down with an Iced Tiger Spice Chai® latte. Make sure to type in "David Rios Tiger" in the search box below to grab some tiger spice chai for yourself:) 1. Add 3 Tablespoons of David Rio chai to about 2-3 ounces of hot water or milk/milk substitute and stir. 2. Pour over a cup of ice. Some of the ice will melt from the hot water. 3. Add another 1/2 cup of water or milk/milk substitute and a little more ice. 4. Stir and serve. (You may also prepare a pitcher of chai ahead of time, keep chilled, then stir and pour over ice when serving.)
Chai Direct
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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Delicious Spiked Chai Tea Recipe!

Ice Blended Chaigurt Whether you add a splash of Cointreau or not, David Rio's Tortoise Green Tea, combined with creamy, vanilla Greek yogurt, and blended with ice, makes this sweet & tart chai yogurt drink the day or night's aperitif! (If it's spiked, it is best enjoyed responsibly in your favorite easy chair, with friends abound.) Grab some of David Rio's Tortoise Chai using the search box below. Type in product code "david rios tortoise" in the search box.
Chai Direct
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Place all ingredients together in blender. 1. Use 1 cup of vanilla yogurt. (Greek yogurt recommended for thick consistency.) 2. Then add 6 Tablespoons (2 scoops) of Tortoise Green Tea chai or ANY David Rio chai powder. 3. Add 1 1/2 cups of ice cubes. 4. Blend on high speed for about 30 seconds and serve. OPTIONAL : For a spiked version, add 1 - 2 shots of Cointreau Orange Liqueur